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Profit-ize Your Business Book Series

The Profit-ize Book Series

Book One:

Perhaps you need help marketing. Book One has 14 strategies to grow your business and find new (or better) customers and gets you thinking about your business in a completely different way.

Book Two:

Need to amp up sales? Ready to find out if a membership program could grow your business. Book Two has 12 sales strategies and explains how membership and loyalty programs may be right for your business (and profits).

Book Three:

Are you pricing your product or service TOO LOW? Have you considered affiliate marketing, but don't know where to start? Book Three has 12 strategies to help your business think differently about pricing and why affiliate marketing (as a buyer and seller) might be a way to expose your business to a wider audience.

Book Four:

Want to take advantage of one of the most over-looked marketing methods? Learn how to improve your SEO. Want to spend less time working ON your business? Book Four has 10 strategies that helps your SEO and learn new ways to manage and improve the way you run your business.

Book Five:

Need to find new customers? Curious about how you can use AI? Book Five has 10 strategies for prospecting to find new customers and ways even the smallest of businesses can use AI to leverage this new tech to grow your business.

Protif-ize Your Bsuiness: The Complete Volume

Coming Summer 2024

All 60 strategies in one volume. If you're ready for more, this book will give you every strategy in the five-book series. This single volume also has the advantage of cross-linking different topics so you can learn even more.

Marketing, sales, prospecting, AI, pricing, affiliate marketing, SEO, and much more to grow your business and your PROFITS.


Your business is important to you. But perhaps you are frustrated with how slowly your business is growing. Or maybe your dream business has turned into a slog.

I have been there. I know the feeling.

That's why I wrote the Profit-ize series. Targeted strategies help your business grow and PROFIT. Some of these strategies are time-tested. Others are new approaches to old problems. All 

I help you leverage tech where it makes sense. If there is an app that can make it easier, I will suggest you try it. My goal is to help you make money doing something you love.

Read these books and open your eyes to ways of growing your business you may not have considered.

Profit-ize Your Business: Book Four

Marketing Strategies for SEO and Business Development

10 Fast-Action Strategies to Make Money and Grow Your Business

Amazon Kindle: Buy It Here

Amazon paperback: Coming soon.

In this fourth book, Marketing Strategies for SEO and Business Development, you will learn:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 101: Why it’s Important. Optimizing your website leads to cheaper marketing costs, increased traffic, and a competitive advantage in the market. Learn how to get found on the web.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 101: Keywords and Content. Optimizing your site with keywords is one of the easiest parts of SEO. Learn how to find the most profitable keywords and how to create content that search engines love.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 101: Site Speed and Responsive Design. With about 73% of all search traffic happening on phones and tablets, it’scritical to have a site that is optimized all devices. Learn the keys to site speed.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 101: External Links and Backlinks. Search engines like Google pay attention to where you are linking to (external links) and who links to you (backlinks). Learn the best practices to boost your page rank and site reputation.

Spin a Web of Content Answering Common Questions. Google loves sites that answer common questions. Learn why your content consistency needs to include all your social channels, too.

13 Ways to Get Your Audience To Like, Share, And Comment. Want your content to show up to more of your readers? Learn 13 ways to get your readers to share and comment on your content. 

Outsource Your Way to Success.  Have you found a new product or service that you want to add but don’t have the time or resources? Learn the four reasons you might want to consider adding outsourcing to build your business and profits.

Now More Than Ever, Email Marketing. Want to take advantage of the most profitable marketing method? Learn nine ways to tap into email and make it work for your business.

Are Webinars Right for Your Business? Webinars can be an amazing opportunity to connect and educate prospects about your business. Learn the the five secrets of running successful webinars.

Podcast Your Way to Authority. Explore seven ways you can leverage podcasting – either your own podcasts or podcasts hosted by others - to build your business and grow your audience. 

Get your copy of Marketing Strategies for SEO and Business Development on Amazon today.

Get the worksheets for Book Four.

Profit-ize Your Business

Make Money, Increase Profits

60 Fast-Action Strategies to Make Money and Grow Your Business

Amazon Kindle:  Coming Summer 2024

Amazon paperback: Coming soon.

Profit-ize Your Business: Book One

Marketing Strategies for Business Growth

14 Fast-Action Strategies to Make Money and Grow Your Business

Amazon Kindle: Buy It Here

Amazon paperback: Coming soon.

In the first book, Marketing Strategies for Business Growth, you'll learn:

You MUST Know Your Numbers – Focus on just these THREE numbers to have the critical information you need to grow your business.

Why You Should Add High-End Offers—Learn to evaluate your current offers and decide whether to add a high-end product or service. As a bonus, you'll also learn a way to do this without doing the work yourself.

Perception is Reality When it Comes to Customers—Negative self-talk can impact you and your clients. Learn an easy way to turn this around and use it to your advantage.

“Steal” From Your Competitors—Learn four ethical ways to look inside your competitors' marketing and “steal” ideas. You might uncover something very profitable for your business.

Inbound vs. Outbound—Use eight easy-to-implement ways to ramp up your sales by leveraging the mindset of leads at each stage in your business.

Make Money By Giving Things Away – Everyone loves a freebie. You won’t go broke giving things away when you turn the freebie into profits using this technique.

WIIFM: Benefits ALWAYS Beat Features – Stop overwhelming your potential customers with features. Learn the simple mind shift that completely changes your interactions with your leads.

Your “Gut Feeling” Isn’t Enough – Learn a simple strategy to understand exactly what your audience wants - not what you think they want.

Money-Back Guarantee - Why offer a money-back guarantee, especially if no one else is doing this? Use psychology to remove the risks and obstacles to buying using this method.

Sales vs. Marketing – Understanding the goals and differences will clarify your marketing and make your business more profitable.

Listen to Your Customers and Use Their Language—A confused audience rarely asks for clarification or agrees to a purchase. Learn three fast ways to “speak your customer's language.”

Free vs. Paid Trails – There are pros and cons to free vs paid trials. Learn which is right for your business – and the counterintuitive reason you might want customers to make a token payment to get access.

How YOU Can Get FREE Media Exposure—When you follow these easy rules, even the smallest businesses can be featured on the nightly news or in the business section. The “trade up” tip will open doors for you.

Big, Bold, and Specific Gets Attention for Ads—The average online user is exposed to between 4,000 and 10,000 daily ads(!). Follow these four specific steps to break through that noise and get attention.

Get your copy of Marketing Strategies for Business Growth on Amazon today

Get your copy of the worksheets for Book One.

Profit-ize Your Business: Book Two

Marketing Strategies for Sales and Membership Programs

12 Fast-Action Strategies to Make Money and Grow Your Business

Amazon Kindle: Buy It Here

Amazon paperback: Coming soon.

In the second book, Marketing Strategies for Sales and Membership Programs, you will learn:

Upsell, Cross-sell, Downsell, and Bundle. Learn fresh ways to apply proven techniques to increase your sales. Think like your customers and create the solution they need while adding to your bottom line.

Free Shipping? Yes, Please. Free Shipping is one of the most powerful enticements you can offer. Learn to use free shipping as a profit builder rather than a loss leader.

Buy It Now – Limited-Time Deals. Psychology tells us that people fear missing out more than the risk of acting now. Use FOMO to drive sales and the one critical thing to make this work for your business.

Use Social Proof to Sell Without Selling. Learn why reviews and testimonials are so powerful. Use that knowledge to effectively use social proof in your sales process.

Future-Use Coupons. Learn seven methods for using future-use coupons in your business, including tailoring the coupons to move inventory, encouraging customer visits at slower times, or offering bring-a-friend deals that can quickly build your business.

Free-Plus-Shipping = $$$ Want to learn how to make money by giving things away? Learn the simple strategies that can work in any business – including businesses that sell digital goods or services.

Premium Services Bring Premium Profits. Do you know those “service plans” offered when you buy a new stove? Those plans are where the true profits are made. Learn savvy ways to add premium services to any business.

Free vs. Paid Loyalty Rewards Programs for Business. Discover the pros and cons of loyalty programs and why they can be a profitable part of your business. You will also learn three non-traditional ways to add loyalty programs to increase your profits and visibility.

Velvet Rope Memberships. Everyone wants to feel special. Creating your own VIP Membership program can build customer loyalty and increase your business's profits. You’ll learn the five steps to start your own VIP membership, the types of programs that will build membership fast, and the two big benefits for your business.

SWAG and Merch for Loyalty (and Profit). Learn why you should create merchandise (even if you sell something digital) and how you can combine loyalty or membership programs with SWAG (stuff we all get) and merchandise to create value-add for your business. And why is FOMO your best friend.

Miss You. Your existing customers are a valuable resource for additional sales and referral business. If you haven’t connected with them lately, try one of eight strategies to re-engage them with your business.

Ask For Feedback From Your Customers. Want to talk to experts on your business? Talk to your existing customers. This chapter has five strategies to incentivize customer engagement and six methods that make customers want to give feedback.

Get your copy of Marketing Strategies for Sales and Membership Programs on Amazon today.

Get a copy of the worksheets for Book Two.

Profit-ize Your Business: Book Three

Marketing Strategies for Pricing and Affiliate Marketing

12 Fast-Action Strategies to Make Money and Grow Your Business

Amazon Kindle: Buy It Here

Amazon paperback: Coming soon.

In this third book, Marketing Strategies for Pricing and Affiliate Sales, you will learn:

Become a Specialist. Specialists ALWAYS make more than generalists. Leverage your specialty into more profits with six strategies for your business.

Play With Your Pricing. Changing your pricing strategy can bring surprising results for your bottom line. Learn these four reasons to price your offers.

Pricing Psychology. There’s a whole lot of psychology involved when selling. Learn eight pricing methods to help buyers think more highly about your offer.

Highlight Savings Next To A Price. Most people are happy believing they are getting “a deal” on something. Learn to use visual cues and comparisons to demonstrate a price savings or a deal.

Create an Enticing Package Deal. Learn the seven keys to creating an enticing package deal. Learn how to promote these packages effectively to your customers.

Christmas Sweaters and Valentine's Hearts. You don’t need to be in the business of selling chocolate hearts to capitalize on holidays. Learn six ways to turn any holiday into more business for you.

Free Gift With Purchase. Learn five easy–to–use strategies for offering free gifts and why the timing of the gift is key to its success. Want to amplify your results? Do this one thing to increase profits.

Catch Whales. Why fight other businesses for small fish, low-profit customers? Learn 11 ways to attract and pursue whales - high-ticket, high-profit customers 

Increase the Perceived Value with Alternatives. Pricing alternatives give you a competitive advantage. You can tailor a solution to your customer’s needs or budget, and you can maximize revenue by appealing to a broader range of customers,  

Setting Price vs. Establishing Value. How do companies like Apple and Starbucks use value pricing? Learn nine ways to change your business model to highlight your value rather than cost.

Sit Back and Let Someone Else Sell Your Product. How would you like to make sales with zero effort? Learn the pros and cons of adding affiliate marketing to your sales funnel. Doing this ONE thing will attract more sellers.

Free Products for Influencers. Understand the six keys to a successful partnership and what to expect when approaching influencers. Use this overlooked method to create true partnerships that benefit both businesses. 

Get your copy of Marketing Strategies for Pricing and Affiliate Marketing on Amazon today.

Get the worksheets for Book Three.

Profit-ize Your Business: Book Five

Marketing Strategies for Prospecting and Using AI in Your Business

10 Fast-Action Strategies to Make Money and Grow Your Business

Amazon Kindle: Buy It Here

Amazon paperback: Coming soon.

In this fifth book, Marketing Strategies Prospecting and AI, you will learn:

Be a Lion. Discover four ways to break through to new leads on social platforms and where to find an audience of your best potential leads.

Partner With Other Businesses. Learn about white labeling, outsourcing, offering more products or services, and reaching bigger combined audiences.

Improve your product or service with the “Curse of Knowledge.” Leverage your knowledge to create custom products and partner with your customers. 

Don’t Forget Your Existing Customers. Learn seven ways to stay in touch with your customers and build loyalty. Ask these two questions to set your business apart from your competition. 

Ask For Referrals From Your Customers. It can be awkward to ask for referrals – but not if you use these three ways to make getting (and giving) referrals fun – and profitable. Referrals build immediate trust.

Find High-Value Prospects Online in 30 Days. If you need to bring in clients quickly, here is a 30-day plan to find and qualify leads. The plan outlines where and how to look and a specific plan to bring prospects into your sales cycle.

The No-Fail Way to Find Out What Your Clients REALLY Want to Buy. Your best customers already know what they need. Use six tested methods to leverage that knowledge to find new products, services, and partnerships.

WWCD (Winner, Winner Chicken Dinner!). Want to build buzz around your business and increase your traffic? Learn three ways to use contests effectively and two of the biggest reasons why contests can be a killer addition to your marketing.

How to Use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Your Business. AI can be a boon to small businesses. Learn how to use AI's biggest strengths and avoid its weaknesses to grow and profit your business.

AI and Marketing. AI is a game-changer in two key areas for small business marketing. Use AI to help with social media management, engagement, and personalized lead generation. 

AI and Business Operations. AI can let your small business use automation and tools to handle things from customer service to hiring and inventory management. There are five key ways that AI can harden your computer security. 

AI and Sales. You and your sales team can harness the power of AI to increase sales in three key areas. AI can increase efficiency, improve conversion rates, better predict inventory and marketing trends, and provide more targeted marketing and sales messaging.

Get your copy of Marketing Strategies for Prospecting and Using AI in Your Business on Amazon today.

Get the worksheets for Book Five

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